Lights Off Mac App

Lights Out enables hot corners to put your Mac to sleep, or keep it awake. Lights Out can set sleep on or off for individual applications. Lights Out cures Energy Saver insomnia.

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  3. Lights Off Mac App Installer
  4. Lights Off App Mac

Many software packages, scanners, and peripherals can interfere with your Mac's normal sleeping patterns. Lights Out offers a secondary idle timer to put your Mac to sleep even when Energy Saver fails to do so.

That said, I love Philips’ Hue Sync app—a free utility for Windows or Mac that lets you align your music, movies, or gaming with your lighting setup. First off, it’s practical: When I’m.

  1. Download Turn Off the Lights for Safari for macOS 10.12 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. ‎The entire page will be fading to dark, so you can watch the videos as if you were in the cinema. Works for YouTube™ and Beyond.
  2. This would allow you to simply use ‘curl’, or similar, to tell the App that the MAC is up and running, and then have the App update a virtual presence device to ‘present’. You’d need to make sure to either send another ‘curl’ request when shutting the MAC down, or implement a watchdog timer.

Lights Off Mac Apps

Lights Out gives you easy control and status of sytem sleep right from its Dock icon. Simple to configure, and simple to use, Lights Out makes no harmful changes to your system. Launch it and quit it just like any normal app!
Lights Out is Energy Saver's Little Helper!Lights off mac apps
User definable hot spots for CPU sleep and never sleep.
Temporarily suspend CPU sleep for specified periods.
Easily switch sleep on and off.
Set sleep on or off for individual applications.
Application based for easy installation and stability.
Simple to configure and use.
Requirements: Universal Binary requires OS X 10.7 or higher.

Lights Off Mac App Store

Download Lights Out 3.2 (4.8 MB)

Made in Alaska



Some people are not a fan of using Spotlight. I personally think its one of the best search programs out there for your Mac. If you do want to turn it off, its pretty simple. There are two methods, easy and hard. The easy methods doesn’t really turn it off but cripples it so much that it doesn’t index anything and it doesn’t run. The harder method actually removes key files to stop spotlight from running.

The Easy Method

Lights Off Mac App Installer

The easy method involves setting up Spotlight so it doesn’t index anything. All though the app is not off, it is not set to run on anything, so you do save on the CPU cycles when a new file is created or a file is modified. To disable this feature go to System Preferences > Spotlight >Privacy. In this tab add all of you hard drives to the window. This will delete any spotlight index and stop it from indexing files and folders.

As I mentioned before, this doesn’t turn Spotlight off as the daemon will still run and take up some memory. However it wont run any CPU cycles and the memory it consumes will be very little.

The Harder Method

The harder method isn’t really that hard, it just involves you having to navigate to a deep folder and having to delete a file. If you do this method it can be hard to switch Spotlight back on as you do move or delete the actual files Spotlight uses to start its process. To do this method (which will really switch Spotlight off) delete, better yet move, the following files:


You will have to reboot for the changes to take effect. I personally don’t recommend using this method, rather use the easy method.

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Lights Off App Mac

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